Miss Seychelles…another world 2016 spends quality time with less fortunate children
aTP- Arab tourism portal News – A child’s laugh and smile could simply be one of the most beautiful sights and sounds in the world. This quote written by author Vicki Reece makes one reflect on how children can truly add shine and joy to a sad soul.
It was exactly what the little residents living in children’s homes across Seychelles did on Saturday morning when they came down to Espace building for a party organised by the Seychelles Tourism Board (STB).
The newly crowned Miss Seychelles…another world 2016 Christine Barbier, first princess Lianne Barbe and second princess Samiya Albert joined by a team from the Tourism Board to spent time with these littles ones coming from Foyer de la Providence, Foyer de Nazareth and President’s Village.
Seeing their smiles and the happiness in the eyes as they were taking photos with the beauty queen and princesses was one of the greatest accomplishments, knowing that these children have been given a memorable moment, one which they will surely treasure.
Addressing the children, Miss Barbier described the day as being special as together with the two princesses and the support of the Tourism Board, she was able to bring love and added joy to the lives of those children.
“You have a special place in our hearts. We do not live in a country where there is war and our children are seen as priority as they are our future,” she said.
Miss Barbier encouraged the children to work hard at school, to make good decisions in life and to keep away from negative influences so that they can become what they want to be in the future.
“Children in Seychelles are very lucky as they leave in a peaceful country. Let us think and pray for those who are living in difficult conditions such as war, famine and poverty in other parts of the world,” she added.
On her part the deputy chief executive of the Tourism Board Nathalie Didon said spending time and acting as a worthy role model to children is a noble act that enriches the lives of the little ones.
Mrs Didon thanked all the sponsors, not only of this event, but those who have brought their support forward.
Organisations that sponsored the party were Airtel, Jouel, Air Seychelles, Mamma Mia, Fish OH Seychelles, Seychelles Trading Company, 7 degrees south, Sodepak, Var Management and Cable & Wireless Seychelles.