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European Space Foundation joins Space Tourism field

The European Space Foundation is planning for entering the field of Space Tourism field through building a special plane capable of carrying tourists to an orbit 100 kilometers away from Earth.
The passengers aboard this plane, which will take off from normal airport, will be able to enjoy the status of zero-gravity for five minutes. The cost of trip for one person will be around 200 thousand Euro and it is expected to commence in 2012.

Chairman of Board of Directors Astrium establishment that organizes these tourism trips Francois Okio said that the project is providing all safety and comfort conditions necessary for passengers in addition to the cheap cost of the trip.

The Astrium company that is based in France will build the European Space Rocket Arian that is placing most of the commercial satellites on orbit in space, but the idea of the space plane is totally different from space rockets.

The company said that the plane will carry in each trip four passengers and during presence in the outer space the passengers will enjoy flying on circumstances of zero-gravity and looking across windows to planet earth.

It should be noted that owner of Virgin Airlines company began the building of a special aeroplane at the aim of transporting tourists to space in 2004, that is expected to begin operation of flights in 2009.

Australian Engineer Mark Nioson who designed the inner part of Astrium plane said that concentration was on seats and windows for having a wider vision in front of passengers.

Nioson pointed out that the matter will be wonderful as the passengers will be able to see the earth from space as planet earth and he added that millions of persons had this dream when they were children. The company said that the project will cost one billion Euro and it will ask for financial support from the participating countries in the project.

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