Minister of Tourism Zuhair Garrana confirmed that the plan of Ministry aims at reaching to the figure of 14 million tourists by year 2011. This statement was included in the speech delivered in front of the Egyptian Lebanese Businessmen Friendship Association that met for discussing future of tourism in Egypt and tourism cooperation with Arab countries.
At the beginning the minister expressed condolences to families of Lebanese martyrs and hoped that the people would overcome the ordeal.
Garrana pointed out that statistics of year 2006 indicated that tourism flow into Egypt witnessed remarkable growth as number of incoming tourists to Egypt peaked to 9.1 millions last year with an increase of 5.5% over year 2005.
The tourist nights amounted 90 million with an increase at a rate of 5% than 2005. He confirmed that number of Lebanese tourists within the last five years reached to 55000 in 2006 with an increase rate of 15% compared with year 2005, while the tourist nights amounted 590000 with an increase at a rate of 37% over figure of 2005.
The Minister said that as for the future of tourism in Egypt a plan was prepared for upgrading the industry and increasing the incoming flow to Egypt through opening new tourists markets like China and India in addition to opening new tourist destinations like Mersa Alam, Mediterranean Coast and promotion for new tourism types like Yachting, Golf and Shopping as well as upraising the mechanisms of marketing and promotion through the successful advertising campaigns effected by the Ministry, participation in the international fairs and sending promotional convoys together with upgrading the quality of service and product.