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How can the rapid ICT development be leveraged to achieve the global UN SDG’s? And how can we find out who is already creating sustainable change worldwide? 45 social techpreneurs from over 25 countries present their creative adaptations of ICTs working towards the realization of the UN SDG’s at the WSA Global Congress in Vienna, Austria, from March 9-11,2020.



Salzburg | The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) encourage global action by 2030 in three major issues: end poverty, combat climate change and fight injustice and inequality. ICT and digital content form an essential catalyst in driving rapid transformation of nearly every aspect of our lives, but it is the creative and adequate use of ICT that proves to be a powerful enabler of the 17 SDG’s.


The program of the upcoming WSA Global Congress in Vienna revolves around the opportunities digital innovation offers in creating sustainable social change and closing the worldwide gaps.



Ranging from Ecosia, the first ecological search engine, planting trees for searches, from Germany, Mapalytics from Pakistan, offering photorealistic 3D models of historical sites, South Korean Dot Incorporation with their first Braille wearable, and Kea Medicals from Benin, providing a digital Universal Medical ID directory platform to assure patients information being available on time and accurately – the 45 winners from 26 countries, selected from over 400 nominations from 182 participating countries, offer a perfect diameter of how of digital innovation solves the challenges of the 21st century.



The 3 days event will showcase best practice projects of social entrepreneurs worldwide that are creating innovative solutions to specific sustainable development challenges.



Moreover, the WSA Global Congress is not just a conference, it is a networking and learning journey open to everyone interested to meet and exchange with an international crowd of changemakers and ICT experts. From learning about start-up eco-systems throughout the world, to intense networking and matchmaking, the event will connect international thought-leaders, ICT experts and local stakeholders with young social entrepreneurs to enable a sustainable and transformative knowledge transfer.



In interactive sessions, such as one on one mentoring sessions or hands on workshops, the audience will exchange ideas and best practices on a global level.



Prof. Peter

WSA Chairman Prof. Peter A. Bruck states: “WSA combines two major perspectives in its initiative – first the commitment on the UN SDGs, and how to use ICTs to development. And second the development of a global knowledge society. The UN SDGs must be our measurement – in terms of what to look at and where to look.



Today we are living in a completely different environment – through the mobile revolution, through the emergence of the algorithmic age – data has become a capital as much as labour, land money and machinery.




Hence, it is more important than ever to evaluate what is excellent content that really offers solutions and impact. Qualitative, local content has become the key and permanent issue. WSA presents innovation that uses ICT for social connectivity. The challenge is and remains: Bridging the worldwide divides such as access, education, gender or wealth. Digital innovation combined with the focus on solving local challenges enables a positive, sustainable value for society.”




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