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Kingdom of Swaziland and Seychelles Ministers meet in Cambodia and discuss cooperation including the coming Carnival in Seychelles

Kingdom of Swaziland and Seychelles Ministers meet in Cambodia and discuss cooperation including the coming Carnival in Seychelles



Almasalla, ATP News- Minister David Ngcamphalala M.P., the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs for the Kingdom of Swaziland and minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture used their presence in Siem Reap in Cambodia where they were both attending the UNWTO / UNESCO World conference on Tourism and Culture to meet and discuss cooperation between the two countries.

Both the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Republic of Seychelles are today part of the East3Route grassroots tourism approach alongside KwaZulu Natal of South Africa and Mozambique. Both Ministers agreed to hold more further discussions as they were both in Cambodia and this time to also include Phinda  W. Nkosi, the Director for Arts and Culture of the Kingdom of Swaziland and Benjamine Rose, the P.S. for Culture from the Seychelles.

The coming annual April Carnival of Carnivals that takes place from the 24 to 26 of April in Seychelles was also discussed between the two Ministers and also between Phinda  W. Nkosi, the Director for Arts and Culture of the Kingdom of Swaziland and Benjamine Rose, the P.S. for Culture from the Seychelles in their own discussions.

This year the Seychelles is celebrating its 5th Anniversary of this cultural event that has been listed as one of the top carnivals of the world and an invitation for the Kingdom of Swaziland to send their cultural troupe to parade in the streets of Victoria along side all the best and most know carnivals was also discussed. 

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