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Aviation IT Conference & Exhibition 25th-26th November 2014

Aviation IT Conference & Exhibition 25th-26th November 2014


Almasalla, ATP News- The 3rd Aviation IT Conference & Exhibition to be held at The Four Seasons Hotel in Dublin Ireland, from 25th-26th November 2014, will see senior IT professionals from airlines, airports and ground handlers as well as suppliers from around the world delivering presentations which detail the innovative technology approaches being used to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs within the aviation IT industry ecosystem, with questions and answers sessions providing opportunities for further engagement and information gathering.

Topics will include departure control and booking systems, flight crew management, airport operations database (AODB) and management, mobile passenger notification, alerting and ticketing applications, electronic check-in and boarding passes, billing and payment software, optimizing cash flow with passenger revenue accounting systems and Flight Information Display Systems (FIDS) alongside baggage service management, cargo and logistics solutions, mobile workforce devices and applications and ground handling billing systems.


The 2014 conference will also stage Q & A  discussions around best security and data privacy practice and how to extract maximum value from the comprehensive data sets stored in customer relationship management (CRM) and loyalty card scheme databases via business intelligence and big data analytics applications, aimed at  airports, airlines or ancillary service companies looking to generate new revenue streams by tracking and targeting specific passenger profiles with location aware offers and services in real time.



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