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Vanilla Islands of Indian Ocean stand together as co-hosts of Seychelles carnival

Vanilla Islands of Indian Ocean stand together as co-hosts of Seychelles carnival


Almasalla Arab Travel Portal News –   Eric Koller, President of Madagascar Tourism, Pascal Viroleau, CEO of the Vanilla Islands, Alain St.Ange, Seychelles Minister of Tourism&Culture and President of the Vanilla Islands, Attoumani Harouna, Vice-President of Mayotte Tourisme, Ariane Loup, Director La Reunion Tourism, Jean-Charles Bertrand, the Director of Agence Capricom and the Director of the Ile en Ile magazine and Editor of the Vanilla Island Magazine wrote the following about his stay in Seychelles during the 2014 edition of the Carnaval International de Victoria


“The Vanilla Islands are more visible on the international scene because of this carnival in the Seychelles," said Pascal Viroleau, CEO of the Vanilla Islands. “This is a positive event for the Vanilla Islands. Look at the number of people everywhere. More than 50 delegations from Seychelles and the international ones have paraded together; more than 150 international press personalities came to Seychelles to cover this event. It was an opportunity for some delegations to meet the press they have in the past tried in vain to get to meet. We shall all be putting a monetary value to the press reports of such an event, but already when we see the quality of media who are in Seychelles such as CNN, BBC, CCTV, and when we know the cost to be featured by them per minute if one was to buy the airtime, now we shall all benefit much more than the few seconds – we just have to be overjoyed. The Vanilla Islands are, of course, seen, and they will be visible on the international scene.




“The main targeted objectives for the Vanilla Islands is to seek more visibility for the organization using the net and social media in a bid to achieve recognition of the brand and of the islands of this new tourism region. The second task for the organization is to get twin and three-center holiday packages promoted by tour operators. We already have good results from the work done so far, bearing in mind we have just started to get ourselves known. We are a young tourism region.

“The next rendezvous is the Salon International du Tourisme a Madagascar (the Madagascar Tourism Trade Fair) where some 50 tour operators have been invited. This time it is crucial for the Vanilla Islands to move its strategic plan into action and capitalize on the visibility campaign achieved from the Seychelles event and get the professional programming work to move islands being inserted into tour operator programs.”

“Rendezvous occurs in15 days in Madagascar for the next event of the Vanilla Islands," said Eric Koller, President of the ONTM (Madagascar Tourism). “It is another event of the Vanilla Islands like the carnival in Seychelles is. It is so important for Madagascar to see solidarity from the organization`s member islands as we have done by being here in Seychelles. We are preparing our Vanilla Islands event in 15 days. This is the IFTM, the tourism trade fair of Madagascar. We are now back into the fold in the Community of Nations since our last elections. A time of real democracy with a democratically-elected President. This is key for the development of the tourism industry of Madagascar, and this is a message of appeal to the tourism professionals. 2015 will be the year to relaunch Madagascar. We hope to catch up on lost time, and we are confident to be fast receiving our visitor arrival numbers of 2008."




“Rodrigues was also present, and also Mauritius was present," said Marie Franchette Gaspard-Pierre-Louis, Deputy Chief Commissaire of Rodrigues. Marie said: “We are honored that Rodrigues Island was now able to take its rightful place in the Vanilla Islands. We have a different culture from the other islands, and I salute the quality of this Seychelles carnival. There are a lot of people; it is a real exchange between our islands and the different participating countries. We are hoping to be part of the carnival parade next year and to be better able to showcase Rodrigues Island.




“The concept of the Vanilla Islands is a great move and a great opportunity for us, because it will help us develop our region`s tourism industry. This will also help develop trade links between our islands. Our island of Rodrigues is pushing its own image of ecology and sustainable tourism. We are part of the Republic of Mauritius. If Rodrigues was at the carnival in Seychelles, it is also Mauritius that was present


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