aTP- Arab tourism portal News- Since its launching in 2009, the World Tourism Forum Lucerne has been professionally supported by an international Advisory Board. Jacinta Nzioka (Kenya Tourism Board), has become the Advisory Board’s newest member.
In their message the World Tourism Forum said: After a detailed talent search process, Jacinta Nzioka, Director of Marketing of the Kenya Tourism Board, has just been appointed as the 24th member and the first representative from Africa in the Advisory Board. As Director of Marketing of the Kenya Tourism Board Jacinta Nzioka has excellent knowledge in tourism marketing and is highly experienced in the field of community-based tourism and sustainable development. Jacinta Nzioka: “Kenya is a key player in tourism in Africa and one of the global leaders in sustainable tourism.
Through my seat on the Advisory Board of the World Tourism Forum Lucerne, I am offered an ideal opportunity to share and deepen my personal know-how and experience with like-minded professionals. For me this is an excellent chance to contribute actively to the future success and sustainability of tourism worldwide.”
“East Africa and Africa as a whole has welcomed this appointment.
We work closely with Kenya and know Jacinta Nzioka as that strong dedicated Tourism Professional who is always at Tourism Trade Fairs flying Kenya’s Flag and working to keep Africa visible.
From the Indian Ocean islands we salute this appointment and say Congratulations to .Jacinta Nzioka and to Kenya for making Africa proud” said Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles