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Almasalla, ATP News-An initiative taken last year by a group of former students of the Seychelles College and Regina Mundi Convent has gathered momentum and the Steering Committee has now moved to the fund-raising stage and a publicity campaign has just been launched.


In April last year when the idea was first mooted some students met to discuss the possibility of erecting some sort of commemoration structure to honour the role played by the two institutions in the history of education in Seychelles. Many of the leaders and professionals in Seychelles today attended the two secondary grammar schools.


At the meeting held on 6th April the Steering Committee for the Project headed by Mr Radley Weber was set up and since then work has been in progress to further its aims. The well-known sculptor, Tom Bowers (who designed the latest national monument on 5th June Avenue unveiled on Independence anniversary this year) was commissioned to work on the monument which comprises a boy and a girl holding a book with the logos of the two schools at the base. Minister for Tourism & Culture, Mr Alain St Ange – himself a former College student – together with some Members of the Steering Committee recently inspected the pre-cast mould which has now been shipped to a foundry in South Africa where the final bronze statue will be produced.


This new symbol, to be placed somewhere between the College and Convent – yet to be approved by the relevant authorities – will honour the two institutions, the teachers – notably the Brothers of the Christian Instruction and the Sisters of the St Joseph de Cluny as well as many national and international teachers and support staff who worked there – and the many boys girls who attended these schools and who today hold key positions in the development of Seychelles.









In an interview broadcast on national media to coincide with the fund-raising effort, Minister St Ange highlighted the significance of preserving national history in all forms. He commended the proponents of the current project and said there should be others in the same vein. The NYS, he observed, should also be celebrated for the role it played in the education system of the country.


The first public event in the fund-raising campaign will be a sponsored walk on Sunday 16th November. The chosen route will take the walkers from the College playing field through Bel Eau, Bel Air and Victoria and ending back at the starting point. A more ambitious route had been planned before but the feedback from many former students – the youngest now in their late 50s – suggested it was too arduous and the organisers conceded for a route compatible to most participants.


The next scheduled event is in December and details of the event are yet to be released.


The Organisers are hoping to collect a million rupees to cover all the costs through private donations and activities. They have been encouraged by the response on social media and if the first indications are anything to go by, the prospects of reaching the target are encouraging. One former College student who today heads one of the most successful NGOs wrote in response to the invitation for contributions: “I spent my entire school education at SC and remember the good times. I am therefore pledging SR 5,000.00 for the memorial.”


If the above sentiments are shared, echoed and emulated by other past graduates of the College and Convent, attaining the objective set by the Steering Committee could be achieved.


Mr Radley Weber, Chairman of the Steering Committee, has called on past students and other well-wishers to support the campaign generously.


Anyone who wishes to support this venture or requires more information please contact Mr Radley Weber’s office on 4321221 or 4324610 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm during weekdays. The Steering Committee would also welcome any volunteers who wish to join in the organisation of the planned events.



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