Strong public-private sector bond vital to the Seychelles tourism industry
ATP- Arab tourism portal-The good partnership between the public and private sectors have contributed greatly towards the success of the Seychelles tourism industry.
Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister for Tourism and Culture said this on Saturday evening in his address at the Grand Seychelles Tourism Ball which took place at Savoy Resort and Spa at Beau Vallon.
He added that between the past decade, the number of visitors coming in the country has doubled and this is thanks to the good public-private sector partnership, which he described as a vital element if Seychelles wants its tourism industry to keep moving forward.
“It is worth it because today the private sector and the government together are committed to work as a team to increase the yield the country is earning from its tourism industry. And to increase this yield we need this bond between the private sector and the government to be maintained,” Minister St.Ange said.
Minister St.Ange spoke about the presence of President James Michel at the official opening ceremony of the dedicated park at the Seychelles Tourism Academy, which will be used to honour pioneers of the Seychelles tourism industry.
“The presence of President Michel showed that the government supports the tourism industry, which is a vital aspect that will help our tourism industry to flourish even more next year,” the Minister said.
He added that the planning by the Tourism Board was in progress to ensure that the number of visitors arriving in Seychelles keep increasing as well as the yield that is generated from this industry.
Also speaking at the event, Miss Naiken said the Tourism Week is a chance to take stock of where we are and what we have achieved during the last year
“Although in this fast-paced industry there is little room for complacency, I think that there are positive indications that we are on the right track,” Miss Naiken said.
“Our most recent tourist arrival figures show that we are currently showing 19% growth over 2014 and heading for a record year. As we all are only too well aware, there are many balls that need to be juggled in order for tourism to work.”
“These include air connectivity, the quality of the product on the ground and efficient marketing in this ever-more crowded market place of global tourism.”
“This last year, in all three areas I think we have made considerable progress and I would like to thank our airline partners and particularly our national carrier Air Seychelles for the energies they have applied to ensure that we continue to receive our share of tourists,” she said.Miss Naiken also thanked the new players who have come on board.
In terms of product, Miss Naiken said we continue to provide an expanding array of accommodation choices that allows Seychelles to receive tourists who are on a budget but who still wish to enjoy all that our islands have to offer.
“As we count our blessings we have to acknowledge the fact that our destination continues to add prestigious awards and recognition in its accolade, and this year we were pleased to receive the Indian Ocean leading destination, Indian Ocean leading cruise destination and Indian Ocean leading tourism board from the word travel awards,” she said.
“I would like to congratulate all those involved with marketing our destination, for their effort and energy, which is so important in keeping Seychelles top of mind in the marketplace.”
“I would also like to express my gratitude to all those who have taken part in this year’s tourism week, and for their invaluable contributions. That includes my own staff at the Seychelles Tourism Board and our many partners,” she added.
Miss Naiken also sent a word of acknowledgement for the past efforts of Seychelles tourism pioneers who were the focus of this year’s tourism week.
They deserve recognition as they are the shoulders and inspired innovation we stand on today, said Miss Naiken.“Words of acknowledgement also goes to those who continue to work in the worthy cause of advancing the interests of Seychelles tourism so as to ensure that our industry remains relevant and buoyant.”
Minister St.Ange and Miss Naiken were that evening awarded a certificate of recognition by the chairperson of the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marco Francis. They were rewarded for their dedication and hard work in leading the tourism industry forward.
During the event, Miss Seychelles…another world 2015 Linne Freminot was given the chance to unveil the banner depicting the date of the 2016 pageant, set to be held on May 28.